Monday 8 January 2018

2017: The Good, the Bad and the Breakdown

Anyone who’s come within 100m radius of me in 2017 will have seen/heard that it wasn’t my best performance. It’s been a lot of tears, decisions and more tears, but I refuse to remember it that way.

It was the year I moved in with my gorgeous, wonderful boyfriend. It was the year I saw 2 of my favourite couples get engaged. It was the year I got my first tattoo. It was the year that I got my shit together and made some plans for life. It was the year I got a chance to go on holiday with Corey. I saw the year in with my favourite people and ended it with my love. I’ve met some of the most amazing people who I hope I’ll stay friends with forever and I’ve made a conscious effort to stay in touch with people who made an effort with me too. I realised my self worth and I gained confidence that I never thought I’d have.

To commemorate such a significant year, I thought i’d put together a scrapbook of sorts of my favourite moments. 

NYE 2016: I think this technically counts as we were there till after midnight.

Book For Sunday Reunion - 6th January

I can't for the life of me find any photo but my friends now live all over the bloody place from emigrating and university etc. But whilst all the band members were home (Josh from Australia, Em from America and the two other lads Woody and Curtis being back from Uni in Manchester) they had a gig at a local studio. It was like being 16 again, but this time we could all go out afterwards, and my god did we. Heading to the Imperial afterwards was like everyone in our year had decided to go out too, it was amazing, so much fun to see everyone. I would like to thank Liam and Emma for making sure I actually got home that night. 

My Last Night in Sheffield - 10th Februaryđź’”

My gorgeous flatmates and I decided to put the Christmas decorations back up and managed to cover our absent flatmates door with anything we could find before heading to corp. I blame the prosecco. It was actually one of the most hilarious nights out I've ever had, we walked home in the snow, no coats eating Broomhill Friary cheesy chips and singing Christmas songs. I still can't get the corp stains out of my shoes. We decided to go for a lovely little meal the day before to make sure even those who couldn't come out still did something, it was perfect, I miss them all so much. Still incrediblly grateful to all my Sheffield loves for making me feel so loved even as I was leaving.

Moll Con's Birthday Night Out - 4th March 

What a night! Any night that ends in Popworld! is good enough for me, Liverpool nights out are always fun but the music and atmosphere was particularly good for a good boogie that night.

My Birthday Night Out - 24th March

So chill but so drunk all at once, order Papa John's to the hotel room before we went out and then just drank cocktails and red stripe until I was so drunk I could be surprised by the McDonald's I'd ordered when I returned back to the hotel at the end of the night. Got to meet my pal Sarah's fella and his mate (shout out to Sean and Gibbs) for the first time too, I just any night out with my lot.

Corey's 21st - April 
I planned a birthday party for him with all the people he knew from my life in Widnes, a princess party! 

A gorgeous day out to Pleasure Beach in Blackpool, even if he did make himself sick by eating too many donuts before going on rollercoasters. 


Best week of my life honestly, getting away from the world when I was at my worst to spend a time with the boy who makes me happier than anything. I couldn't ask for more, it was a beautiful, classy and HOT AS HELL holiday and I would go back tomorrow if I could.

cocktail dreaming.

Tattoo Time - 4th August

IT'S JUST SO PRETTY THANK YOU @jessicabrowntattoo

Mermaze Lauch @peachesandcream with Kate - 10th August

My gorgeous pal Kate has a beauty blog, ( CHECK IT OUT SHE'S PERFECT AND AMAZING) and a brand we both adore is Liverpool store Peaches and Cream. In August they launched their new pigment Mermaze and with her birthday coming up, there was only one thing for us. We made a day of it and got our ramen on at Wagamamas and then headed to the masterclass. It was honestly an EVENT, the colours, ACTUAL MERMAID FANTASY WONDER, and for the ticket you got a little gift bag with the pigment in. 

Friendsfest: 11th August

Ma girl Kate came through with my birthday present and got us tickets to FriendsFest so it was another adventure for us this week. We are huge Friends fans and it was an actual dream, it was AMAZING. There was Central Perk and a cocktail bar, a stage set up with events or just a screen that played best bits and just a whole bunch of scene set ups and photo ops. I'm so glad I went with Kate, we were just like children all day. 

Kate's Birthday Night Out - 13th August 

Probably one of my favourite nights of the year, Kate mentioned that she wanted us to dress fancy so we all CAME TO PLAY. Like we all looked SO GOOD and I just love these pictures so much. 

Izzy's Birthday Night Out in Sheff - 24th September

I'd missed these darlings, and it was SO good to be back. Fancy dress and bierkellar was the best thing. 

Move in Day - 27th September

I still can't believe to this day that I get to wake up every morning next to my best friend. I'm so lucky. 

One Year with my Love - 14th October

Back to Manchester, where we first met and I got to meet some of his friends and treat ourselves before the own house budgeting life. We spent a lot of money and overslept heavily on the BEST BED. It was perfect. I couldn't have been happier. 

Christmas Work's Do - 18th December

There is honestly nothing funnier than getting drunk around people you should probably never be drunk around, even more so knowing some of you (meaning me) are in work the next day. It was a lot of laughs and we definitely should do more nights out. 

Christmas with Corey - 23rd December

I didn't really take pictures but getting to see his family during the week was amazing as always and meeting his grandparents was really nice. Spending the day on the 23rd just the two of us in our own place enjoying each others company, eating Christmas McDonalds and seeing what we got each other was one of my favourite memories of the year. 


I mean, it's Christmas, of course it was amazing. Far too much food and a lot of love.

"Squad"mas - 28th December

Again I didn't take any photos but the 6th Annual Friend Christmas was hosted by yours truly and it was everything I'd hope for, Yorkshire Pudding wraps, silly traditions and just the laughter of my actual favourite people around me again. I cried. 

New Years

I was originally heartbroken when I decided not to spend New Year's Eve the way I usually do at a house party with my friends. I didn't think I could afford to go out as we were in Chester and I knew I couldn't get home from Widnes the next morning for us to be there. But we decided to go out for a 'few' at Revs and honestly, I love Corey so much he made the perfect night. Lots of cocktails and even a real nasty chilli shot. We were in bed by 1am eating what seemed to be the perfect takeout (I truly doubt it) but I couldn't ask for more.

Here's to a happy, healthy and amazing 2018.

much love x