Thursday 8 March 2018

Women That Inspire Me #InternationalWomensDay

Hi everyone and Happy International Women's Day!

In honour of the occasion, I wanted to put out another short and sweet blog with some people who inspire me. Whether that is in real life, through Instagram/twitter or through the wider media.

I am incredibly lucky to be surrounded by a family who will support me in everything I do and I would do absolutely anything for all the amazing women and girls I get to be so close to. They all inspire me in different ways but together help me stay strong and stay confident in myself.

 My gorgeous little Nanna Mary, who thinks that I could rule the world. Thank you for looking after me always and inspiring me to dream big and feel beautiful. 

 My lil sis, always by my side and more recently a best friend. Can always rely on you to cheer me up. Thank you for inspiring me to look on the bright side when I really couldn't. 

 My mum, my best friend, my therapist, my go to hug and I'm pretty sure a tissue at times (sorry for all the tears and snot I've got on your t shirt over the years). Thank you for inspiring me to always be a better person every single day and being the strongest person I know. 

My fabulous Nanna Pam, always there for a brew and a chat. Thank you for inspiring me to take my time and reminding me that every goal takes time.

Laura, my literal teacher. Thank you for inspiring me to work hard and learn everything I can. 

My friends and I are incredibly close and they too are some of my biggest inspirations. 

Jodie: thank you for being my rock and inspiring me never to take no shit from nobody. 
Kate: thank you for inspiring me to be more creative, productive and always telling letting me know that you're fitter with glitter.
Emma: thank you inspiring me to stay set on my dreams and reminding me it's ok to cry.
Jamie: thank you for inspiring me to not care what people think and be a stronger, more creative person. 
Sarah: thank you for inspiring me to work hard for what I want and not to stop until I get it. 
Mollie: thank you for inspiring me to do the things I thought I could only dream of.

Kate Bazley: thank you for inspiring me to remember to laugh and have fun, daily. And to make effort for family. 
Shell Caine: thank you for inspiring me to be strong and making me feel like I can take on anything. 

Fern: thank you for inspiring me to be productive, to write blogs, to read and to just enjoy the things I always forget to. 

E2 Jodie: thank you for inspiring me to be confident when I didn't think I could and to always have fun.
Izzy: thank you for inspiring me to believe in myself and to look after myself for once instead of others. 
Imogen, Emily and Antonela: thank you for inspiring me to be strong as I start my academic life all over again.

If you follow me on Instagram, you'll have seen that all day I have been letting people know that they inspire me. I am hugely grateful to so many amazing women in my life and I hope they know it. 

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Giovanna Fletcher: thank you for inspiring me to not just have one goal. She is a mother, a wife, an author, a singer, an actress, a podcaster, a youtuber, a presenter, an activist and an all round kick ass lady. 

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Megan Jayne Crabbe (bodyposipanda): thank you for inspiring me to be proud of who I am and achieve amazing things regardless of my size/shape/ethnicity/background.

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Michelle Obama: thank you for inspiring girls to know their worth.

Women and girls everywhere, thank you for inspiring me to be the strongest, smartest, most confident and amazing woman I can be. We are women, and we should be so proud. 

Much love, 

- Chloe x

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Books That Stole My Heart (inspired by/stolen from

I'll be completely honest with you here, until recently, it had been a long time since I got to sit down a read for pleasure. As far back as I can remember, reading has been one of my favourite things to do, but life really does get in the way. Thanks to a real gem in my life at the moment, I've finally picked up a book for fun, making time for myself and really enjoy myself.

I would really like to thank my gorgeous pal for that, you should all check out her blog and her youtube: !! She is truly amazing, and I can promise you that you'll love her as much as I do.

The book she lent me was The Madness by Alison Rattle, she mentioned it in her blog on her favourite books, and I can see why. The story revolves around a young, poor, girl who has survived polio with a disability, in the late 1800s. From studying history I fell in love with it's accuracy to the time period as well as the way it so brilliantly expresses emotion. Marnie, the young girl, assists her mother in the Victorian medical practice of dipping by the ocean. The symbolism of the ocean in her eyes completely captivated me. This book was my train travel companion and I was always heartbroken when my stop came. I can't thank Fern enough for letting me borrow this book and I can't recommend it more.

Image result for the madness by alison rattle

The next book I will talk about nobody that knows me will be surprised to see this on my list. Giovanna Fletcher wrote Billy and Me in 2013 and it has since been a book I can read over and over again. A big movie star comes to town to film his part as Mr Darcy in a film remake of Pride and Prejudice and family coffee shop worker, Sophie May, seems to be the only one not caught up in the drama of it all. However, they find themselves coming together and quickly falling in love. The story follows how she feels about being pushed into the limelight, something I feel could have be close to home for Giovanna herself being married to McFly's Tom Fletcher. You can see this in the emotions portrayed through Sophie May that you may not expect in this situation. Overall it's just a really good, romantic read that completely kills me. Corey bought it me for Valentine's Day this year knowing mine was water damaged and I couldn't be happier. 

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This next book is, when asked, my only answer to "what is your favourite book?". I actually haven't read it more than once and to be honest I don't think I ever will. I can't express the wonder and joy I experienced reading this, a tale of a mysterious travelling circus and people's experience with it. Whilst it has been said to be a little difficult to follow, if you let yourself just become immersed in moment with this book, you will surely love it as much as I do. I'm not going to give much away with this one, but please, just read it.

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A lot of the books on this list are actually books I haven't read in a long time. I actually picked this one up again recently though. Once by Morris Gleitzman has some of the most historically accurate story lines I have ever read in a holocaust fiction book, whilst still being interesting and unique enough to want to read more. It follows Felix, a young Jewish boy from Poland who is looking for his parents after the Nazis have taken over, I can promise you that I have only ever cried properly at two books, and this is one of them so get some tissues. Overall, it's a quite short book and I got through it on a hours train journey so if you're a bit of a history buff, 100% give it a read. 

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Speaking of books that made me cry, boy did this one get me. I tear up even thinking about Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo. It recalls a story of brothers and young love during wartime, I have never in my life read emotion more pure and real than in this book. Again I'm not going to give much away because you deserve to experience it for yourself, but you will laugh, cry, be angry, fall in love and be so bitter you won't know what has hit you. 

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Lastly, is a book I gave to my auntie Laura when I was about 12 and she still won't let me live it down, Love Aubrey by Suzanne LeFleur. Whilst this is technically a children's book, I think it can only be truly appreciated as a young (or not so young) adult. Personally I think I was too young the first time I read it and the story wasn't quite given all it's glory, but upon revisiting it I was obsessed. 11 year old Aubrey loses her father and younger sister in a car crash and wakes up to find out her mother has abandoned her. We don't often see true emotion in children through books, but the way Suzanne LeFleur writes of Aubrey's depression is painfully accurate and is even more heartbreaking when you realise the Aubrey is just a child and doesn't truly understand what is happening to her. 

Image result for love aubrey book summary

These are just a few of the hundreds of books I could place on this list. And yes a lot of them are now below my reading ability but honestly I think they all hold such wonderful memories and joy in reading I couldn't not include them. 

Other honourable mentions are: the Harry Potter series, Grow Up by Ben Brooks, Catch 22 by Joseph Heller, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and The Twits by Roald Dahl

I want to read more, whenever I get a chance honestly. I've actually started to get up earlier in order to allow myself more time in the day to be able to do more things I enjoy, such as reading, drawing or planning/writing blogs. It's so important to allow yourself time to just do something that makes you happy, even if it has no truly productive outcome. I've really enjoyed writing this slightly less intense blog and hope to do more, if anyone has any ideas, please let me know!

Much love,

- Chloe x