Wednesday 13 September 2017

Get Organised!

I've recently followed some amazing blogs that have inspired  me a lot and I've decided that it's about time I started one myself.

Since leaving education I've felt a little all over the place and have struggled to feel organised and prepared. Last week, I noticed a video on Facebook talking about a 'bullet journal' and I fell in love. I've wasted so much money on planners and journals over the past few years that I never use because they've not got sections that I need or have lots of pointless ideas in them that deter me from keeping up with it. A bullet journal is made by you, for you, it doesn't have to be expensive and it can suit you exactly. 

Literally the day after I saw this video, I got dressed and went into my town centre and ended up getting a little bit stationary mad.

I bought everything from Ryman's because I was lucky to catch the 'Back to School' clearance, but i'm sure you can pick everything up online pretty cheap.

I walked in and straight away spotted the highlighters (every stationary nerd's biggest weakness) for just £3.99, I couldn't resist the pastel set and Stabilo ones last ages so I was happy handing over my bank card for this one. The fine liner and fibre tip pens (also Stabilo) were a bargain for £9.99, they are all I use to write in the journal so very much worth the price. 
If you're anything like me, you will have regularly given up on similar projects because, like any human, you made small  mistakes and decided it didn't look as 'pretty' as you wanted. Well, ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between, the motherland, Japan has yet again come up with a solution in the art of 'Washi tape'. Literally any mark you make that you don't like can be covered with this tape and you feel like it's still cute enough to fit in with your beautiful little book. You can get washi tape in thousands of designs and colours, I chose a baby pink roll for 59p in the sale and it's been a god send. 
Finally, the journal itself was more difficult, I wanted a unruled journal that was completely plain but still had a nice colour cover.  This journal is a Teal Leuchtturm unruled A5 250 page journal and cost £14.99. Some people prefer a dotted or squared journal but plain was nice and easy and this journal comes with a stencil under sheet if you're bothered about straight lines for writing. 

That's it! You're ready to start your journal. 

The design and contents is completely up to you, be bold and make sure you include everything you think will help you in day to day life.

My personal planner works mainly on a monthly basis and has lots of useful pages such as budget planning and habit trackers. Something I would suggest using in the journal would be an index as well as a key, this will aid you not only designing the pages but also in the future to make sense of your little scribbles whilst on the go.

Be creative, don't be afraid to use fancy headers and doodles. Fill pages that don't have much on with inspirational quotes or with your favourite little drawings. Have fun with it, it'll only make you want to keep up with it because of all your hard work.

side note: told you I used a lot of washi tape😅

I'm going to talk you through the rest of my journal, feel free to take ideas, adapt them to your life or completely reinvent them! Remember: this is YOUR journal.

Following the index and key, I have what I like to call my 'Future Log' which is basically a calendar with room for expansion and notes. Just split up the pages evenly, I did 3 columns per page, and then leave room below for anything you need to expand on. Don't worry about putting every little event or task you have here, that comes later.

The best thing I have found here is that I can work from the month I have decided to start the journal rather than making all my organisation plans in January or wasting a bunch of months/space in a normal planner. 

Next is my monthly planner, an easier view of what's to come this month. Perfect place to highlight birthdays, anniversaries, holidays and other big events as well as boring stuff like appointments and those dreaded deadlines. Again, make it look the way you want, I plan to change this page every month, especially at times like Halloween and Christmas when I can theme it. Why not?

Particularly important date? Highlight it or write it on top of some washi tape! 

Even more detail comes in the weekly logs, draw up enough of these for every week of the month (remember some months run across 5 weeks, don't get caught out). Here is where you can put your daily tasks, remind yourself to book appointments, visit family members, call your friend or pay rent. It's nice to have literally everything laid out in front of you, from pay day to 'look into Spotify premium', because at once glance you can't forget anything. You can also go into plenty of detail here, you can put the full address of a flat you're going to view, or remind yourself of when your next job interview will be and what they need you to take. Everything is there for you to follow.

After this, you can get creative! I have decided to opt for a 'brain dump' page each month for anything that won't make sense elsewhere. I usually use this page to scribble passwords or important contact details. But sometimes it's just fun to doodle and write how I feel here, especially on a long train journey or if I'm up late at night, it's rather therapeutic. 

Tracking my habits is something I do to follow up on my behaviours and at the end of each month I reflect on this and try to adapt my lifestyle to improve the 'results'. I have found it INCREDIBLY helpful in aiding my mental state and eliminating self destructive behaviour. I document every single day: my mood; my exercise; if I have taken time to draw/read and other things such as cleaning and if I have drank alcohol. If you're a worrier or just someone who needs a little more self love, this page isn't much effort and has immensely noticeable results.

Following that, expenses. Yes, budgeting is never fun, but it is often essential. This is a super basic tracker of outgoings each month (including spontaneous spends). This helps me notice where all the money I think I have saved each month has disappeared to and makes me tighten my purse strings a little when needed. Separately to this I have a much more elaborate finance planner, which I might post at a later date, but this is enough to work through each month as long as you're honest with the table. 

Finally, make sure you remember each month fondly. Fill a page or two with the fun stuff you've done. Print mini pictures or save travel tickets. Stick them in with the washi tape (another of it's many uses), it's a great way to never forget the good days and keep your souvenirs safe.

Overall, setting up a months worth of these pages, making them ready to use, took me around an hour. I can't express how much even this is enjoyable, it usually gets me feeling really inspired and motivated to get my life on track. Get creative, have fun with it! Make space to write poems, draw your feelings or even just to scribble if you feel like it. Make it your own and you will go so far with it. 

Well, that's all from me. The rest is up to you.

~ Chloe x


  1. I absolutely loved this! Love your writing and diary ideas, definitely made me wanna make one of my own instead of blu-tacking everything to my fridge :') can't wait to read more from you! xx

  2. Thank you lovely! It's honestly the best idea I've ever had. Definitely more blogs coming soon xx
